
Credit: Matteo Marra

In this last page, I am going to talk about all the activities I did with the school or with my friends since the beginning of the year. Despite the pandemy, I still did a lot of interesting activities I need to share with you. First, as you can see in the video, I went in beautiful places so stay until the end !!! The place above is called"The Five Fingers" and is famous. It's at less than a hour from the house. We discovered this place by luck and went regularly there. The place is beautiful as you can see in the video. Also, if you go just a little bit up, you have an amzing view of the lac.

Let's continue : my first trip in Ireland was with Educatius. We went in Lough Key Forest Park, a beautiful place at 1 hour from Cavan. I went with Eloi, the French guy you met in the previous page. We were free to go everywhere we wanted and try everything we wanted. We spent all the day to walk and discover the place. The weather was nice even if it was a little bit cold. Because of Covid, we couldn't go to the castle in the middle of the lac but the visit was still nice. We went up to the tower you see on the left and we had a wonderful view all over the park. If you want to see the picture, come back to the first page in the diaporama and wait for the 3rd image.

The second trip was we the school and wasn't that nice. I explain myself: we went to Cuilcagh Mountain Park and the idea was very good. I was with Julian and Jaro so we spoke a lot in the bus and during the walk. The problem was the rain, the cold, the wind and the fog. Indeed, we should walk to have a beautiful view but because of the fog, nothing. We had 10 min to eat on the top of the mountain, with the cold and the rain. When we came back, I didn't speak to anybody because I was to cold and we didn't see anything in the stairs to go down. My hand were shaking because of they were frozen and a lot of students were sick the day after. The idea, as I said, was good, but it was a disatser.


We also went to Dublin one time during the Chrismas Holliday. Dublin is a beautiful city with a lot to do. The Christmas decorations were amazing and the streets were full of people. We visited the city and I tried "Ramen" for the first time some. We also did a lot of shopping (for us and for our family) and the day passed very quickly. Dublin is very strange city. You can be in a street full of people, cross a bridge and nobody. Because of thet we staid most of the time in the same place, try to discover new things. I really enjoy this trip because it was a trip between friends and the weather was very nice.

In this last section, I am going to talk to you about a very big project I did with Matteo, Max, Riccardo and their 2 host brothers. We begun this loghouse just before Christmas and we needed more than one month to finish it. Because of the lockdown, we didn't have anything to do during all the holidays so we went there to work all the day with our lunch. We built two houses : one big (on the right of the diapo) and a smaller one to eat on do a fire (on the left of the diapo). We are especially proud of the big house because we needed to cut a lot of trees and used a lot of nails and a lot of time to achive that. It was a perfect opportunity for us to go out and do something else than just staying at home and doing nothing.
